Do you add any liquid?

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Wonderful! Thank you. I have a pineapple sitting in my kitchen that is clearly waiting for this exciting opportunity to transform.

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I’ve been a fan of homemade Vinagre de Piña for years, it’s just Techache gone past it’s prime a bit.

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Yes! A spicy version with Thai peppers 🥵💗

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I love tepache, made it a couple of times already. I wonder how it can be made from Hibiskus, since the flowers don't really have their own sugars

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Did I miss how much of each ingredient is used? I saw the process but not the amounts of each.

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I have fermented pineapple cores and skin, but without adding sugar. I’ve also used the resulting vinegar to make cortido.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Gracias por el aporte. En Argentina se la conoce con el nombre de "Aloja" y se bebe en las regiones del Noroeste desde hace siglos, en particular se prepara de algarroba y chañar, productos típicos de dichas zonas. También de ananá o piña. Saludos cordiales.

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