California now provides universal free lunches. But what can an individual Californian like me do to support free lunches at the national level?

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This is so incredibly sad. Senator Rand Paul calls himself a doctor. Ha! For many Republicans, cruelty is the point. I read a story a few years back about a woman who tried to pay the lunch bill for a student and the school refused to take the money; then the community rallied and tried to pay the overdue lunch bills for the entire school, and still the school’s first response was NO. Thank you Jose for continuing to keep the spotlight on this issue. We can see which states actually care about their citizens and child poverty and hunger by which states have moved to provide this basic right.

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Chef, Keep up the good fight! What can we (the people) do to help with the legislative efforts? Also, gardens and learning kitchens in every school and care facility in the country!!! - HumbleCarrots

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I would like to have something concrete that I can do to help.

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Mr. Andres,

Colorado passed universal school meals by ballot initiative in 2022. The voters overwhelmingly supported Proposition FF which raised taxes very slightly on income earners over $300k a year and now guarantees every student free breakfast and lunch in perpetuity. With respect, we reached out to you multiple times to ask for your assistance with this effort and no one ever got back to us. If you'd like to help us solve this problem; we have a plan to do this is many other states and could really use your help in gaining attention and resources for the campaigns.

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Priorities are all messed up!!

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Key word is income…if kid’s family cannot afford it, absolutely they should get all the food help they need. At school and at home.

Better yet is the states taking control not the federal government.

Last word Jose have you tried the school lunches? My kids hated them … lol

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Thank you for continuing to fight for this very important cause. It’s so disappointing that a wealthy nation can’t prioritize in a smart way.

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I have begun this comment a half dozen times, and each time just don't know what to say about people who are inhumane enough to deny food to hungry children. Growing up, my dad always insisted that we have a snack before we went to bed. When I got older, I asked him about that and he told me that growing up in a poor family in North Carolina, he often went to bed hungry and he swore that his children would never have that experience. Thank you so much for your work and determination for something that should be a given in our country.

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I believe both sides of the aisle see the need for free lunch, I just think the Rand Paul's also see the fraud/waste, there has got to be a way to stem waste and still provide free lunch. I live on Long Island and pay some of the highest school taxes in the country and yet we do not have free lunch. The money is squandered. on excessive, salaries, sports etc. Every time I bring it up at a school board meeting there are a dozen excuses some even from parents who want free uniforms for sports over food for kids. Scary! I try to pay in Sept for any many kids lunches for the year as I can afford and thankfully I have not met with any school resistance, not that I would ever take no for an answer. Thanks for fighting Jose and lets all do what we can to further this cause!!

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