This is great news for Peru and Peruvian cuisine. If it's not already, I would think Mexican Mole deserves this recognition too. It's based in indigenous cooking traditions and definitely deserves to be recognized and protected.
I know it's not strictly food related, but I think more oral histories should be acknowledged and celebrated by unesco. In Turkey there are these -- uzun havasi -- that are part folk music and part folk storytelling, the so called -- long airs -- that are stories spoken to music (a novice oversimplifying here). And maybe there are other chefs who have also gone about writing their cookbooks in the same way, but when I heard about how Musa Dagdeviren went asking people about their recipes and food traditions (much like Italian Calvino did actually in collecting Italian folktales), it really made an impression on me about how food and culture isn't just history, it's lived!
Sorry Jose, but anything unesco is behind i'm not.......un is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, thugs, hooligans and con artists. But I love your work, mostly stay well Chef Bill
I would think paella should be recognized.
This is great news for Peru and Peruvian cuisine. If it's not already, I would think Mexican Mole deserves this recognition too. It's based in indigenous cooking traditions and definitely deserves to be recognized and protected.
I know it's not strictly food related, but I think more oral histories should be acknowledged and celebrated by unesco. In Turkey there are these -- uzun havasi -- that are part folk music and part folk storytelling, the so called -- long airs -- that are stories spoken to music (a novice oversimplifying here). And maybe there are other chefs who have also gone about writing their cookbooks in the same way, but when I heard about how Musa Dagdeviren went asking people about their recipes and food traditions (much like Italian Calvino did actually in collecting Italian folktales), it really made an impression on me about how food and culture isn't just history, it's lived!
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On my way to Lima!
Sorry Jose, but anything unesco is behind i'm not.......un is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, thugs, hooligans and con artists. But I love your work, mostly stay well Chef Bill
I would recognize caldo gallego! That is my cultural food hertitage.