I hope you are doing well, sir, after the hell you and your brave staff have recently experience. You’re my pick for the next Nobel Peace Prize.

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In my tiny town of Mason NH is a waygu farm. They’ve been here about 10-15 years now. I am sad to say I have not tried it as it is wicked expensive but your posting makes me want to save up and give it a go!!!

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I had it and I raise black angus 🫣😂….. it is VERY GOOD !

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My husband and I have eaten at the bazaar located in DC as well as Las Vegas. The food, the service and especially the Wagyu beef. What a experience.

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Amazing backstory on one of my favorite (steak) dinner options! 💥

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Waygu has become ubiquitous on average menues across the country—mostly in hamburger form. I truly dislike this trend, and think that a waygu burger is far to rich to enjoy. Other cuts are a real treat for those who enjoy this rich beef.

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Jose, where can we purchase it here in the states? Especially in the DC Metro. I'm excited to try to cook with it. It would definitely be a treat for a special occasion. Thanks as always for bringing us a variety of informative post.

We learn and grow because you share and know.

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I’ve never cooked with Waygu and may never do so but I’d love to hear more about the Manchego cheese espuma. That would probably elevate a cheap sirloin!

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Nice post! Huge fan of the varieties of Waygu. Would love to see some discussion of preparation as well.

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