My first taste of cider was in Asturias as. 10 year old, it wasnone of the foremost experiences of my life to be introduced to the orchards with the family that hosted me one summer, then hike to the little cliffs make a special egg and potato casserole over an open fire with the small group of kids. Asturias was such a big food imprint on me that also I will never forget the ice cream vendor along the beaches boardwalk, he would cut from a long square of ice cream and place it between two sweet cracker-like cones to eat, yum! Thank you Andre

For bringing me back to that time! Xx Denise

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hmm, I had sidra when I studied in Granada but it's been maaaaaany years. I see they stock it at the Spanish store in SF so I will definitely go and pick some up!

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I think I'd like it! 🙂

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I love sidra! Tried it in Pamplona the first time.

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Jose. that looks like fun. I not sure if I could b as awesome in pouring as you.. Learning is always an experience with your post. Thanks ....You are the best

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Asturias! Sidra y fabada y potaje

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Can't wait to explore sidra!

Thank you for sharing something that looks like great fun and I'm sure delicious!

In the negative and sometimes dark times we are living in a bit of joy sounds wonderful.

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Just happened to have dry Basque cider- La Lata, Izeta Sagardotegia, last night with a fine Basque meal at La Cuchara in Baltimore.

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My family roots are from Asturious... So nice to know we're family

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I lived in Oviedo for 6 months in my early 20s - it was such a formative experience for me that I can trace many of my beliefs about cooking and hosting back to that era. I have such fond memories of meeting friends for sidra on the gascona and now am craving an ice cold bottle of sidra and a big warm bowl of fabada asturiana 🤤 - thank you for sharing and elevating the delciousness that is Asturian sidra!

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We spend 4 months of the year in Gijón, Asturias…from June through September. Asturian sidra is an acquired taste for those used to drinking the ciders of France, Ireland, USA or the UK, as it is considerably bit funkier overall in comparison. It is lighter and yes, drier, but not as rich or fruitier

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This brought back so many fond memories of my honeymoon to Spain! My husband’s grandmother was from Asturias so we made the decision to explore Northern Spain and I fell in love. I loved learning about the Basque culture and the sidra and fabada are the perfect combo! I’ve tried to recreate it at home but it’s just not the same. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face today! ♥️

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We were lucky enough to spend a month in Spain in 2013 and enjoyed sidra in an Asturian place in Madrid. I had hake cooked in sidra. What a happy and delicious memory!

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Not yet, but I would love to!

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