Very tough week and I’m Irish ,I don’t even live in America and was in a very dark place last Wednesday but thanks for the uplifting words Chef.Were all going to need your Spanish positivity over the next few years..Mucho Amor!!

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Nov 9Edited

Jose, Your words are powerful and true.I have always shared what food even as a senior on fixed income snap of only $40 per month knowing so many have less. Disasters of such magnitude everywhere. Unnecessary wars and displacement .Everyone has a right to eat regardless. We can do our part. Serve them with love, hope and encouragement one plate at a time.We are all family. We follow your words and examples to make the world a better place. You are the best .God bless us all.

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Nov 9
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Thank you, God does everyday I am able to be kind and love without judgement. Its not my place it's his.

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No matter how red the map looked, we have to remember that 47% voted for integrity, unity and morality. This is not the America we live.

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Gracias, Jose. Keep writing to us to remind us of the goodness around us, especially you and your teams.

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Thank you. Yours is one of the few organizations I always donate to knowing it will help our human race no matter the challenges.

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Gracias José. Como siempre sus palabras son sabias y lo que necesitamos.

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Thank you for reminding us what is really important, Chef Jose.

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Thanks José for your leadership your voice and for all you have done and will do

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I knew on Tuesday that, whatever happened with the election, I would want to make lunches to give away on the Lower East Side of NYC on Wednesday. I am a chef and feeding people is in my blood. The election results were a blow, but doing a small, positive thing helped my spirit. It helped several people that day. We need to hold onto what is important. We need the community of feeding, being fed, and eating together. We need each other.

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Thank you for all you do. We need to stand together, sharing food and positivity as we go forward.

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Thanks for your perspective and all the good work you and your organization do!

You are a lifesaver on do many levels.

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I have had the great good pleasure of meeting Chef Andres. His presence reminded me that bhodisaatvas walk among us. To feed a hungry child is an act of kindness and generosity. To feed a million is the act of a saint.

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Thank you, Chef. This is why I subscribe to Longer Tables. Your words are always inspiring, courageous and truthful. You are the leader we need in these uncertain and troubling times.

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❤️❤️❤️ I love your insight. We can smother the world with love and make the change.

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God bless you for all you do Chef! Yes — this week has felt dark for many of us and who knows what’s in store for us during the next four 4️⃣ years….😔💔

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Chef, coming from a multi-ethnical family with backgrounds in several countries and cultures the meaning of longer tables is something I cherish a great deal. I have been following your career and your part in WCK and you need to be very proud of everything you do and you have accomplished. Gracias por todo lo que hace por la humanidad de un Puertorriqueño que vio todo lo que usted y su gente hicieron durante María y después.

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