You and Chef Pepin, two of the all time greats.

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Honestly, my top two living dinner guests.

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Jose,Longer Tables are always informative and so educational with in-depth look at your guest and food not normally seem or told. .Your interviewing style has much love they share freely. Thank you as always. You are the best.

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Please run for office! America needs you!

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Gracias! There is no one like you —or Jacques! I learn so much by listening to your podcast/conversations. Keep up your wonderful work!

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Ah excellent been waiting for this one, Jacques is an absolute legend ..mucho respeto!!

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Jose Andres is a hero.

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French food stinks. Overpriced and not good

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Every time I go on an Oceania Cruise (my wife is a huge fan), since he is their culinary inspiration and leader I get bombarded with images of him. Their food is great, so I'm really glad to actually hear and learn from him!

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