It says something about our disconnect with the land and nature, that people think food magically comes from the supermarket without any involvement by farmers or the land. That it comes from a factory, fashioned out of what - plastic? Farmers work long hours doing hard labor to bring us meat, grain, fruits and vegetables. If this farm food bill is not passed, there will be catastrophic results. And food prices will rise ever higher, beyond the reach of many.

I heard the new house speaker say that every able-bodied woman had a DUTY to produce at least one child who would grow to be a hard worker. Brood mares!?!? That very same party then does everything they can to remove any help whatsoever to raise those future hard workers. Taking away SNAP is inhumane and will produce only children who are malnourished and weak! Children need food to think properly, to learn. Sounds like the GOP doesn't want that either.

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Thank you for this post. Sharing.

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Jose, please post this on Threads!!!! I see you have an account there :)

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