It’s almost go time, people!
A creative cocktail and an easy appetizer to kick off the holiday
Hola, my friends! It’s Thanksgiving Eve and for so many of you, I know that means you’re already preparing for the feast ahead. Maybe you’re taking a last-minute trip to the grocery store, maybe you’ve made some pies, maybe you’re just relaxing before the craziness starts! However you’re spending your holiday, for those of us who cook, this is our Super Bowl!
So I’m here to give you just a few more ideas before the big day. Of course I shared some wine suggestions with you earlier in the week, but if you’re looking for a good cocktail, you have to try a new cocktail from Jaleo, the Quince-Essential. Created by Galileo Rivas, one of our amazing bartenders (he’s been there for years, people!), it doesn’t take many ingredients, and it’s perfectly balanced and highlights one of the best ingredients of the season—quince. Yes, it calls for a quince syrup, which you can make from your homemade membrillo paste...but if you don’t have that, you can find it online (with a discount for monthly and annual subscribers!**) or at a specialty store.

This recipe makes one cocktail, but it’s easy to scale up for a batch that’s ready for when your guests arrive, or to bring to someone’s house.
And today, because it’s Thanksgiving, you’re getting two recipes! This cranberry cheese puff pastry is a perfect balance of sweet and savory, it uses ingredients you can find in the store, and it is so easy to make…which of course does not take away from how delicious it is. The best part is that it uses ingredients you might have as leftovers after your Thanksgiving dinner, so it’s perfect for the day after, or even a late night snack.

From my house to yours, have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone—and cheers to our tables growing longer every year!
Makes 1 cocktail
1 1/2 ounce gin (Galileo uses Gin Mare Mediterranean gin, but you could use a more mild gin like Hendricks)
1 oz quince syrup (see below)
1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 ounce Manzanilla or Fino sherry
Lemon peel, for garnish
Shake all ingredients on ice and double strain into a coupe or martini glass. If you’ve never double-strained a cocktail before, don't worry, it’s easy! Place a fine mesh strainer over the serving glass, then pour the drink through the shaker’s strainer. The double strain is important because the syrup is much thicker than most syrups used in cocktails.
To finish, express, or twist, the lemon peel to release its essential oils. Add to the drink for garnish.
For the quince syrup, dissolve the membrillo in hot water using a 2:1 water to membrillo paste ratio. Let it cool down before using it.
Cranberry Cheese Puff Pastry
Serves 8 as an appetizer