Coquito and kremas, a taste of the Caribbean
A homemade, creamy and boozy drink that makes a great gift
We’re getting to the home stretch, people! I’m sure by now you’ve been to so many holiday parties, and you’ve been cooking, shopping, running around…you’re probably tired! Today’s recipes are meant to warm you from the inside out, and something to offer to friends and family who happen to stop by your house without telling you…does that ever happen to you?
Coquito and kremas are rich, creamy, drinks, kind of like Caribbean egg nog, usually spiked with rum—coquito is from Puerto Rico and kremas is from Haiti. During Puerto Rico’s six-week holiday season, you will see coquito everywhere, people make it for themselves to have at home but also to put in bottles and give away to anyone visiting—the best homemade gift in a bottle ever.
In Haiti, kremas is more of a year-round celebratory drink, with bottles coming out at weddings and parties, as well as at the holidays, of course. The major difference between coquito and kremas is the type of rum used—coquitos usually call for Puerto Rican white rum that’s infused with spices, while Haitians prefer to use aged rhum agricole, which is made from sugarcane instead of molasses and aged in barrels for a richer flavor. And unlike coquito, kremas doesn’t always include coconut milk.
Both drinks are rich and sweet, so the best way to enjoy them is chilled and in small pours. And always remember to have extra bottles on hand for gifting—it might be a good idea to double the batch and get some small glass bottles for serving! And, even better—they’re both delicious if you make them without the booze, so you can make a batch for kids and people who don’t drink alcohol.
These recipes are really special to me because they come from the World Central Kitchen cookbook, from two places where I’ve spent a lot of time over the years. I always love to see people step in to help each other, and even a small gesture like bringing over a holiday treat can go a long way for someone who might need the extra care. We can each do the same in our lives, especially during the holiday season.
Enjoy, guys, and tell me what you think if you have a chance to make either (or both!).
Haitian Kremas
Makes about 6 cups, or 10-12 small servings
1 (15-ounce) can sweetened cream of coconut
1 cup Haitian rum, such as Rhum Barbancourt Four Year